Upcoming Events


*Who?:* You and everyone who wants to join! (open event)
*What?:* FTOTM drinks! (First Tuesday Of The Month)
*When?:* 4 March 19:00
*Where?:* O’Cafe Tilburg!

Hey everyone, it’s almost that time of the month again - you know what we do!

FTOTM is a monthly open(!) drink where we chill together with a few drinks, talk and play board games 🎲🧃

This time, the FTOTM takes place *during Carnaval week* 🧡 so we hope you enjoy a more chill drinking night than you might get elsewhere, with board games and friends (or those who may soon become one!) 🫶
Note: the location will be *O’Cafe, not Olympia Sports Bar*

Board 🔗❤️

Board Game Night

Who: You! 🫵 And anyone you can manage to drag along (OPEN EVENT)
What: Board Game Night!
When: March 6th, from 19:00 to 22:00
Where: Reitse Toren

Play all your favorites, like Secret Hitler! And Coup (Secret Hitler 2.0)!

New Linkies and old, come to show off your social deduction skills and beat your opponents with mercy!

Special Note: This Boardgame Night is powered by our sponsor iTrainee, so come to our External Affairs Officer Nisa (me!) during the start of the event if you wanna hear a bit about their training program for kickstarting a career (or better yet - check them out on their website https://www.itrainee.nl/en/ and let them explain it like I never could)

Join us on Thursday the 6th of March starting at 19:00 at RT for some wonderful fun!

Be there! Or else! (we don't condone threats, but we would enjoy your company 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️++)


Tabletop Co ❤

The Missing Link

Who?: You and everyone interested :3
What?: The Missing Link!
When?: March 11th, 15:00 - 16:30
Where?: Black Box, Esplanade Building

Greetings Linkies! We’ve been working with Studium Generale and are excited to present to you this year’s Missing Link event! 🥳

~Symposium: The Evolution of Gender Representation in Video Games~


We’ll be discussing how gender representation shifted throughout the years in our favourite industry: Gaming!

We’ll also be taking a deeper look at how these changes have impacted culture, and how we can continue to improve in the future!

We’ll have experts in gaming, diversity, esports, and especially the intersection of these topics speaking on their experiences and thoughts, and we hope to host a thought provoking lecture so everyone can dig into their interests and how they’ve impacted their views 🧐 - it’s always good to take a look at how media shapes us!

For those interested, this event is also eligible for adding to the !free SG Certificate!, which you can look more into at the link above!

We hope you’re as excited as we are!

Academic Co 📚❤️


2 Members Going

☀️🦩 Spring Break Party 🦩☀️

Friday Mar 21st | 21:00

Event for Link members only.

Organized by Link | Members Only


20 Members Going

🎉✨2nd Lustrum Gala✨🎉

Saturday Apr 12th | 19:00

Event for Link members only.

Organized by Link | Members Only